2025 Vacation Bible School (VBS)

June 23-27, 2025
Monday-Friday | 9:00a–noon | Register your child (ages 3 years through grade 5) for this summer's VBS: True North. It gives kids a rock-solid foundation and helps point them to Jesus, their unmovable, unshakable friend forever! If you have more than three children, the maximum charge is $45 per family (not including t-shirts).

Want to help out as a leader or volunteer? Go to: VBS Leader/Volunteer Application

Already part of Resurrection?

If your child has already attended VBS at Resurrection in previous years or is registered with rezKIDS, only update/add information below that has changed. We'll pull everything else from what's already on file to save you time. Also, if there are siblings also attending, please provide their name(s), birthdate(s) and any allergies or special needs below.
Child Info

Please select all that apply.
Please select one option.
Please select all that apply.

Please add any additional family members also attending VBS. Include their Name, Gender, Grade Completed, and (optional) Birthdate below.
Allergies/Special Needs

Parent/Guardian Info

Please select one option.
Please select all that apply.

I, the parent/guardian listed above, give permission for my child (child's name listed on form above) to attend VBS with Resurrection United Methodist Church of Hastings.
Registration Payment

Registration fee is $15 per child (maximum of $45 per family)

You have the option of pre-ordering a themed t-shirt for $7 (not required for VBS).
Please select one option.
Secure Payment



June 23-27, 2025
Monday-Friday | 9:00a–noon
Register your child (ages 3 years through grade 5) for this summer's VBS: True North. It gives kids a rock-solid foundation and helps point them to Jesus, their unmovable, unshakable friend forever! If you have more than three children, the maximum charge is $45 per family (not including t-shirts).

Want to help out as a leader or volunteer? Go to: VBS Leader/Volunteer Application